Art Journaling: Questers’ Way


This week our topic was Questers’ Way and I had a bunch of  old flyers that we cut up to use on our pages. It was a bittersweet class because on the one hand a Questers’ Way page is an awesome page full of memories and meaning and on the other hand it makes us all very sad. (Questers’ Way is closing this location next week. And while there will surely be more Questers’ Ways in the future, it is super sad to see this one go. [I will definitely be writing a post about all of the closing things and my thoughts and such, in the semi-near future, so I’m going to try to not go into it too much right now.])
One of my super talented art journalians made this lovely page to capture and commemorate this place that we have all grown to love. (She took a picture of the park on her phone, so she could draw it on her page.) She purposefully left it “unfinished” to represent how the experience/ friendships/ love for this place are never ending. And the other art journalians heard her idea and purposefully left off a word they wanted to include or left something in pencil that they would normally have gone over in pen. When I heard that, it made me super sad and at the same time, made me love them all even more.

I think this group shot of our pages is one that I personally love more than any other one that we’ve previously done. They really capture all the awesomeness that is the essence of Questers’ Way. There’s lots of fun and love and friendship and memories represented on these pages. We’ve been having Art Journaling at Questers’ for at least two and a half years and there have been so many art journalians who have come to a class or a few and then not come back (for a vast variety of reasons) and I’m super happy to have had the chance to cross paths with all of them. There are also many people in the Questers’ Way community who want to come every week (or more often than they do) but have so many other things to balance and take care of that it just is not a possibility- they are still all a big part of why Art Journaling at Questers’ Way is so wonderful. Then there are my super faithful regulars who come every week (or most weeks) who without them there would have been no reason to have Art Journaling. And I’ll stop there before I start crying while typing this.

We are planning to continue the art journaling club on a different night, in a different space, so I will still be posting about our topics/ themes and challenges on this blog. Because it will always be Questers’ Way Art Journaling, even if the physical space we occupy is not Questers’ Way.

Keep up the creativity. See you soon! Happy Journaling.