Art Journaling (Virtual): Earth

Since we were “meeting” the day after Earth Day, we used Earth/ Earth day as our theme for the week. Our challenge was to use/ incorporate something that was going to be recycled or thrown away. Most everyone used packaging in their pages and a couple people used catalogs that were being gotten rid of.

What would you put on a page about Earth? Would it be different for an Earth Day inspired page? What materials are in your recycle bin (or are going to be thrown out) that could make for an interesting art journal page? Or could be repurposed and added to enhance the page? Can you make a mosaic of colored chipboard pieces?

Be Safe
Be Well
Happy Art Journaling!

Art Journaling (Virtual): Roll the Dice

This week we did another roll the dice week. Our categories were months, times of day, and objects. Many of us play Dungeons and Dragons, so we have plenty of dice to roll and the art journalians who don’t play still had traditional 6-sided dice to roll. The people who did not have a 12-sided die (for randomly rolling a month) either choose what month they wanted to use, used a random number generator online, or rolled two 6-sided dice (knowing they couldn’t roll January).

Mine (which is the heart in the top middle) was inspired by rolling October, night, and vase.

In case you would like to use these categories, here are our lists within each category.
The months corresponded to their numerical numbers (1=Jan, 2=Feb, etc.).
Objects= vase, mug, hat, dress/ shirt/ any piece of clothing, jewelry/accessory, shoes
Times of day= midnight, dawn, noon, day, night, dusk

Roll the dice weeks are so much fun.

Stay home.
Stay safe.
Be well.
Happy Art Journaling!

Art Journaling (Virtual): Wisdom

Our theme for last week was wisdom. The challenge for the week was to include a quote. The bottom 2 pages were done by kiddo art journalians. (I love when kids do art journaling!) Everyone took this theme in so many cool directions and each one is vastly different. ❤

What would you put on a page about wisdom? What quote would you use? What wisdom would you share with your friends, your kids, the world? Who is the wisest person you know? Or the wisest person in history? Is there an animal that you associate with wisdom?

I also wanted to share what I’ve been doing for the last 3 weeks. I found that I have had a hard time finishing a whole page during our art journaling time. (And if I don’t do it during that time, I know I’m unlikely to go back to finish it.) So starting with our virtual boost morale theme, I have been making a heart and using that as my “page” for each week. And it is working really well. I like working smaller. So here is a picture of my first 3 hearts (from the last 3 weeks) on one page.

I hope all of you are safe and healthy.
Happy Art Journaling!

Art Journaling (Virtual): Jesters, Jokers, and Fools

Last week we did a “Jesters, Jokers, and Fools” theme for our journal pages (because it was the day after April Fool’s Day). The challenge was to use something not as intended (for example a sunflower in the place of a scepter or a caution cone as a hat).

I am continuously amazed by these fabulous artists who are art journaling along with me. They have such awesome ideas that they bring to fruition in beautiful pages.

Stay safe.
Be well.
Happy Art Journaling!