Art Journaling (Virtual): Favorite Word/ Focus Word

Last week our topic was ” favorite word” or “focus word for 2021”. Small group of art journalians.

I think most of us went with our focus word for 2021 to inspire our pages. (Energy [and crackle], family & friends, balance, and smile.)

I like this topic (especially the focus word) because you can do it every year and it is likely to be different. Even if you did choose to use the same word, it would be interesting to see how your interpretation/ inspiration from the word would change over a year.

Have a great week!

Happy Journaling!

Art Journaling: New Year 2020

Last week was the first Art Journaling of the new year and so we did a theme to coordinate with that: how do you want to view the world in 2020? The challenge was to include a focus word for the year. Our words included Journey, Quest, Joy, Commitment to Success, Be the Light, Thrive, and Smile.

The page pictured above did not make it into the group photo (because occasionally I’m silly like that) but I wanted to make sure I included it in the post. I love the idea of “thrive” as a focus word for the year.

I cannot pick another one or two to highlight this week because they are all so great. So I’m adding each of them in individual photos for you to have a closer look.

^This one was purposefully done outside of her journal on 1 piece of paper so she could use it as a vision board!

Do you have a focus word for the year? If not, what would you choose for your word? And how do you want to view the world this year?
I hope your year is everything you want it to be and more.

Happy New Year! Happy Journaling!

Art Journaling: Questers’ Way


This week our topic was Questers’ Way and I had a bunch of  old flyers that we cut up to use on our pages. It was a bittersweet class because on the one hand a Questers’ Way page is an awesome page full of memories and meaning and on the other hand it makes us all very sad. (Questers’ Way is closing this location next week. And while there will surely be more Questers’ Ways in the future, it is super sad to see this one go. [I will definitely be writing a post about all of the closing things and my thoughts and such, in the semi-near future, so I’m going to try to not go into it too much right now.])
One of my super talented art journalians made this lovely page to capture and commemorate this place that we have all grown to love. (She took a picture of the park on her phone, so she could draw it on her page.) She purposefully left it “unfinished” to represent how the experience/ friendships/ love for this place are never ending. And the other art journalians heard her idea and purposefully left off a word they wanted to include or left something in pencil that they would normally have gone over in pen. When I heard that, it made me super sad and at the same time, made me love them all even more.

I think this group shot of our pages is one that I personally love more than any other one that we’ve previously done. They really capture all the awesomeness that is the essence of Questers’ Way. There’s lots of fun and love and friendship and memories represented on these pages. We’ve been having Art Journaling at Questers’ for at least two and a half years and there have been so many art journalians who have come to a class or a few and then not come back (for a vast variety of reasons) and I’m super happy to have had the chance to cross paths with all of them. There are also many people in the Questers’ Way community who want to come every week (or more often than they do) but have so many other things to balance and take care of that it just is not a possibility- they are still all a big part of why Art Journaling at Questers’ Way is so wonderful. Then there are my super faithful regulars who come every week (or most weeks) who without them there would have been no reason to have Art Journaling. And I’ll stop there before I start crying while typing this.

We are planning to continue the art journaling club on a different night, in a different space, so I will still be posting about our topics/ themes and challenges on this blog. Because it will always be Questers’ Way Art Journaling, even if the physical space we occupy is not Questers’ Way.

Keep up the creativity. See you soon! Happy Journaling.








Art Journaling: Dice Roll

This week we did another roll the dice class. This time we had 4 categories: place, mythical creatures, colors, and object. For example, if someone rolled all 1s, they would have gotten a renaissance faire, angel/fairy/elf, pink or green, and book. There were a couple grumbles because people were a bit envious of what other people rolled but I think that all of the pages look super cool.

Our lyric and quote art journalian, split her page into quarters and managed to find a lyric for each of the categories. (Cafe, dwarf, black or white, jewelry.) The lyric for dwarf is from the song that the dwarves sing in The Hobbit. I was pretty impressed with her finding one for each of them.
It’s super cool to see what people can come up with when you give them 4 random, unconnected things to work with to create a page.

I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend filled with inspiration.
Happy Art Journaling!







Art Journaling: Words, Words, and More Words

I challenged my Art Journaling friends to fill a page with words last week! And they rose to the challenge; each of them taking it in a completely different direction.

The two pages pictured below stood out to me because they inspired more ideas and thoughts for future class topics, as well as my personal Art Journal. The one on the left is a bunch of different poems that were written onto penciled lines of a landscape drawing using fine point Sharpies. (I know I’ve seen poetry like that before- I cannot remember what they’re called off the top of my head though.) The one on the right might be a little harder to see (she spent most of the class time picking her words and penciling them onto the page and didn’t have time to finish going over them)- they are all music related words! She has bands and musicians, types of music, instruments, and musical terms like chorus, solo and notes. Each word is written in a different font or style. I hope she finds the time to finish it and I get to see the finished page!


How would you fill a page with words? Would you have a connecting theme or topic (like music or summer)? Would you fill it with lyrics or quotes that you love? Could you make it visually interesting?

I hope your week can be described with lots of wonderful words!
Happy Art Journaling!